
"Buboes, phlegm, blood and guts! Boils, bogeys, rot and pus! Blisters, fevers, weeping sores! From your wounds the fester pours."

Slam Death meets chainsaw

The scourge is a 90's style death metal pedal designed as a crossover between a palm mute beast and a chainsaw corruptor. Hyper saturated while being low noise, the Scourge provides long sustain with a gutsy attack. , fat low ends, a screaming high mid range and two gain modes.

The "Sepsis" setting has the higher gain an IC based circuit can provide. It's far more than enough to (de)compose the filthiest death metal riffs and chugs by itself. The preset low mids give a decadent guttural tone while the high mids can cut through any mix like a rusty battleaxe through a defenseless halfling head.
Definitely perfect for clean channel use.

Switch to the "Scabs" setting and you get half the gain. it's THE setting to use on a hot channel. This way you put the secondary chainsaw tone on the forefront, and dwell into swedish death metal territory with a fluid and fast buzzsaw riffing insanity.

Internal trimpots allow for an active bass and treble EQ, making it efficient as long as we're speaking death metal and spreading rot and pain...

The feedback blocking/noise control circuit has been revised for a more dynamic range.

REV 2025

what's new:

-Re-set preamp attack.
-re-adjusted feedback control for more sustain
-Increased gain (10%)

-9v operation (boss standard)
-true bypass
-gangreen led
-active 2 band EQ (internal trims)
-low noise
-hyper saturation
-IC based


  • 3 in stock